07 . March . 2017 BY Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande

Male pattern Thinning is termed as Androgenetic Alopecia and it is a condition which relates to one’s genetic structure and the hormonal activity in the body. It is one of the commonest hair problems in the males and commonly affects any male post the age of his puberty.

At the age of the puberty the male hormone which is termed as the Testosterone is excreted in the body, it is this hormone which is responsible for various male related characters like the beard and the moustache. 98% of this hormone is bounded to the protein which is termed as Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) and the albumin but 2% of it is freely flowing in the blood circulatory system. It is this Testosterone which can get converted into DHT Dihydro testosterone with the help of the enzyme called as 5-alpha reductase.

All the factors which increase the conversion of testosterone into DHT would directly increase the male pattern thinning problem. The DHT in the body has the capacity to bind to their receptors which is present on the scalp precisely in the fronto-vertex region due to which the hair starts getting thinner and shorter and at one time it dies off from the scalp. Once it dies off on the scalp it cannot be grown back again.

After understanding this one would definitely want to know about ways to prevent hair thinning and tips for stopping baldness problems naturally as well as how to avoid hair loss problems. This is what is elaborated in this article.

The factors which can be linked to MPT are…

Factor 1 – Hard water exposure and the MPT.

Factor 2 – Prolong exposure to the chemicals and the MPT.

Now that we have got the factors that affect the MPT,lets get into the details of each of these right away as this will help you to a great deal in solving your question which is how to avoid hair loss…

Factor 1 – Hard water exposure and the MPT.

Although there is no surety to this but many a times the male pattern thinning problem has aggravated when the scalp has got exposed to the hard water for a long time. This kind of hard water is generally present in the deserted areas as the mineral content of the water is fairly high. Best way to safeguard your hair from the hard water is by sprinkling lemon into the bucket of water which you use for the hair bath or else the last wash should be with the packaged drinking water. To make it simple if you have been asking the question how to avoid hair loss in such situations then following this routine will provide you the correct way.

Factor 2 – Prolong exposure to the chemicals and the MPT.

For people who have been coloring their hair since years or doing some other form of chemical treatment have found out a dramatic increase in their thinning pattern post usage of these chemicals. How to avoid hair loss if you are constantly exposed to chemicals will be your next question and the best answer to this would be staying away from these chemicals and if that is not possible then make sure to visit your trichologist as soon as possible.

This article have highlighted on the topics prevention of Androgenetic Alopecia in a right way and reduce Hairloss and stop hair fall in men having balding problems in details so make sure to take the right steps and get started right away.

RichFeel Clinic in India specializes in how to avoid hair loss problems. It has over 88 branches in major cities like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Bangalore etc


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