20 . March . 2017 BY Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande

Every bride wants to look her best on the day of her wedding which could be the reason why they take really special care when it comes to the their hair style as well as their cosmetics, ornaments and outfit. This article will highlight on the certain beauty tips for hair for the bride.

To look good the right care for the hair and skin should start at least 3 months prior the wedding bells. It is really important for one to follow a good hair care regime and beauty tips for hair, this is what we will be explaining you in details through this article.

Beauty tips for hair for a bride to get started with are…

Point 1 – Make sure to drink plenty of water.

Point 2 – You should start having protein rich diet for the health of your hair.

Point 3 – Start conditioning your hair and scalp at least thrice a week.

Point 4 – Try to stay away from chemical treatments which can do a permanent damage to your hair.

Well now that you have got few points to take good care of your hair for the wedding let’s get into the details of each of this right away…

Point 1 – Make sure to drink plenty of water.

One should at least have 12 to 14 glasses of water daily so that the toxins that get accumulated on the daily basis get flushed off easily.

Also make sure to have coconut water daily if it is really not possible for you to have water in this quantity.

Point 2 – You should start having protein rich diet for the health of your hair.

Proteins are considered really good for your hair and the food which consists of proteins are milk, almond, spinach and paneer. One should have this food stuff regularly for the health of your hair.

Point 3 – Start conditioning your hair and scalp at least thrice a week.

Make sure that you condition your hair every time you wash them and also you need to go for a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week so that your hair gets conditioned from within.

Point 4 – Try to stay away from chemical treatments which do a permanent damage to your hair.

While it is really tempting for one to go for chemical treatments but if possible stay away from them and try to style your hair with the help of sprays and gels which only gives temporary damage to your hair for occasional users. After using these products make sure to oil the hair properly.

Make sure to follow all the beauty tips for hair mentioned in this article if you desire to have the best of the hair as a bride.

If you want to know more about Beauty Tips For Hair and top herbal and ayurvedic HAIR BEAUTY TIPS then make sure to visit a trichologist soon.

RichFeel Clinic in India specializes in giving beauty tips for hair. It has over 83 branches in major cities like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Bangalore etc…


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